Action Alert: Some Good News About the Electoral College Bill!

Monday we alerted you to an important vote on the National Popular Vote Compact that was scheduled to be heard yesterday in the Senate Privileges and Elections (P&E) Committee. We have some good news – the bill’s patron, Senator Adam Ebbin (D-30, Alexandria) asked for the bill to be passed by for the week. That generally means, as like last year when he eventually pulled the bill, he doesn’t have the votes and is trying to buy time.

But that doesn’t mean we can stop now! If you have received this email, it means your senator is on the P&E Committee. If you haven't done so already, please write and ask your Senator to oppose this unconstitutional bill and to preserve the Electoral College! This issue generated a major e-mail response last year. Let’s do it again! We have every chance to defeat one of the Left’s top agenda items, so we can’t let up.

E-mail your senator by Tuesday morning and forward this alert to friends in the district to do the same!

Action: Click HERE to write your senator and ask him or her to OPPOSE the National Popular Vote Compact.


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