Chaos in the P&E Committee
On November 13th, Democrats on the House Privileges and Elections (P&E) committee fast-tracked bills to begin the process of amending the state constitution to enshrine unlimited abortion (HJ1) and redefine marriage (HJ9). Our Policy team was prepared to advocate against these anti-family and anti-life bills.
The Democrat majority used an obscure deliberation process that has not been used by the General Assembly in decades, which sends the resolutions directly to the floor of the House the first week of the 2025 session that begins on January 8th. While this is a highly unusual move, it is permitted under the rules adopted by the House of Delegates.
Enshrining unlimited abortion in the state constitution
In another shocking move, the patron of HJ1, Del. Charniele Herring (D-Arlington), dropped a substitute version of her resolution, affording the committee and the public no significant time to read and evaluate the proposed constitutional amendment. When Republicans requested a 30-minute recess to review this critical legislation, Chairwoman Price allowed only FIVE minutes.
The resolution to amend the state constitution passed by a party-line vote of 12-9 (see below for votes).
Voted Yes: Price D, Convirs-Fowler D, Sickles D, Krizek D, Reid D, Maldonado D, Glass D, Cole D, Srinivasan D, Henson D, Anthony D, LeVere Bolling D
Voted No: O'Quinn R, Gilbert R, Leftwich R, Bloxom R, P. Scott R, Wachsmann R, Cherry R, Milde R, Green R
What are some of the consequences of this introduced version:
Allows ANYONE to perform an abortion, abolishing state law's requirement that they be done by a licensed physician or qualified nurse practitioner.
Abolishes Virginia's law requiring parental consent prior to a minor getting an abortion.
Allows dads to avoid child support payments if they didn't want to have the child.
Effectively contains no limitations whatsoever on abortions at any point, including until birth, because the potential limitations on third trimester abortions wouldn’t apply for "mental health" reasons, if just ONE doctor agrees to it.
Delegate Phillip Scott (R-Fredericksburg) asked chairwomen Del. Cia Price (D-Newport News) a very simple and reasonable question: “If a constitutional amendment will take at least two years to be passed before appearing on a statewide ballot, why the urgency to bypass the proper legislative process with this substitute?” Incredibly, Del. Price ignored the question and ruled it was “out of order.” What are they hiding?
Redefining Marriage and Boys in Girls Sports Amendment
In addition to passing the unlimited abortion amendment, Democrats also rushed a vote on a resolution to repeal one-man and one-woman marriage and replace it with new language, which received some support from some Republicans (see below for the votes).
Voted Yes: Price D, Convirs-Fowler D, Sickles D, Krizek D, Reid D, Maldonado D, Glass D, Cole D, Srinivasan D, Henson D, Anthony D, LeVere Bolling D, Bloxom R, Wachsmann R, Cherry R, Green R
Voted No: O'Quinn R, Gilbert R, Leftwich R, P. Scott R, Milde R
The new language refers to a fundamental right to marry without defining what marriage is, and it would add “sex” and “gender” for the first time as two distinct categories in the state constitution. If this language is approved and added to the constitution, it could be used to block Virginia from ever passing a law to keep males from competing on female sports teams, forever allowing males into female bathrooms or changing areas.
When some opposed this amendment on Biblical grounds, Del. Joshua Cole (D-Fredericksburg) misused scripture to silence them, saying they should live "a peaceable and quiet life.” The message was clear: Christians who adhere to Biblical orthodoxy should shut up and sit down.
Final Thoughts
The antics in House P&E today show that the left fears a fair fight and honest conversation about abortion and traditional families. Why else would they have effectively hold a hearing outside the normal legislative methods? Why else would they have to change the amendment at the last minute without alerting anyone, giving any time to thought out deliberation, and then rush it through to the House floor?
While the results are certainly disappointing, they are not surprising. The fight is far from over, and it is really just beginning. For information about the process to amend Virginia's Constitution, click HERE.