Victory: Court Rules VA’s ERA Ratification Invalid

Just like we’ve been telling the Left for YEARS, the so-called “Equal Rights Amendment” (ERA) has been once again declared a dead issue! Late on Friday, a federal district court in D.C. affirmed that the Virginia legislature’s 2020 ratification of the ERA, allegedly making Virginia the 38th and final state needed to ratify it into our U.S. Constitution, is not valid because the deadline Congress set for its ratification has already passed.  

This is a HUGE win for the protection of unborn life, religious liberty, and countless issues involving human sexuality – not to mention for the rule of law.  Especially given the recent cultural trend towards doing everything possible to ERAse women by denying all of the realities that make women unique from men, this is welcomed news.

To learn more about the ERA and its consequences if it were to go into the U.S. Constitution, read our blog: Is Virginia the 38th State to Ratify the ERA? Better yet, watch our incredible 2019 Press Conference opposing the ERA.

Or check out others we’ve written on the ERA:

VA House and Senate Pass Moot ERA
Celebrating Womanhood, NOT ERAsing it
"ERA" will strip churches of tax-exempt status

Our own Attorney General, Mark Herring, brought suit in federal court, along with two other states, Illinois and Nevada, asking a Court to declare the ERA as valid in hopes of enshrining this vague, unnecessary, dangerous, and outdated Amendment into our Constitution. Thankfully, the Court’s decision is just one more confirmation of what we’ve been saying all along – that the ERA is dead because it failed to get enough states to support it by the deadline Congress imposed (and then extended).

The utter hysteria we’ve witnessed and endured over the past few years in Virginia from the pro-ERA crowd is like nothing we’ve probably ever seen. From mobs of belligerent women chanting in committee rooms and accosting people in the Capitol hallways, to women posing topless in public to mimic the Virginia seal, and more, it was always clear this effort was just another Marxist campaign to push relativism, transgenderism, abortion-on-demand, etc., cloaked in the pretense of guaranteeing women “equality” with men – which, of course, they already have – and neither have they ever cited even one legitimate example in law where that is not so.

As of now, Herring says he is considering appealing the decision, and we can realistically expect it to be settled ultimately by the Supreme Court. But we can celebrate this as a good victory and be grateful that our system worked.


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