What’s So Offensive About Ultrasounds?

According to the 13 Democrats on the House Rules Committee, they think students receiving public school family life education shouldn’t see a recording of a [black and white] ultrasound of a live baby in the womb.  

HB 2244, sponsored by Delegate Dave LaRock (R-Loudoun), would require as part of Virginia’s Family Life Education (FLE) curriculum that students be presented a video recording of an ultrasound of a live unborn baby. Yesterday, the bill was voted down on a party line vote.

This would have been a reasonable addition to the FLE curriculum because it enables students to view the wonder of life developing in the womb, consistent with human reproduction.  To show students a recording of an ultrasound of a baby in the womb – something that every mom and dad gets to see – is not only a non-threatening educational tool but a way to demonstrate the miraculous process of human development.  How could anyone object to that? (This is just further confirmation that most on the Left are not just “pro-choice”, they’re pro-abortion.)

If you recall, in Albemarle County in 2018, one of the high schools had 14-year old freshman girls watch explicit “how-to” videos in an FLE class on male and female sexual pleasure that would make most adults cringe. Their parents were never made aware of those graphic videos before they were shown to their 9th grade daughters.

So here’s the simple message that Democrats on the House Rules committee issued:


Public school students – our children – deserve better than this blatant contempt for any positive (or even neutral) display of human life by many who make up the current Democrat majority in the House.


Bills to Stop Sex Text Hotline Up Tomorrow


Let Kids See Life in the Womb!